Bitcoin Invasion Is Coming To Brazil! (Best Time To Accumulate Bitcoin Is NOW)

Posted 10 mins ago | by Catoshi Nakamoto

The first Bitcoin and Gold ETP has been launched, Brazil’s Senate gives Bitcoin the greenlight and institutional investors have high expectations for the future of crypto. My name is Ben. This is your crypto nightly news wrap up. Let’s get it!!

What do you get when Bitcoin meets Gold? BOLD! In today’s rendition of when old meets new, BOLD is the name of a new exchange traded product, or ETP, that combines the two assets. 21Shares, the world’s largest crypto ETP provider, tweeted out, “Together with ByteTree Asset Management, 21shares officially launches BOLD: An ETP aiming to deliver inflation protection by tracking an index that gives optimal risk adjusted exposure to Bitcoin and gold.” This is the first ETP that combines Bitcoin and gold, and today 21Shares announced its listing on the SIX Swiss Exchange. Upon launch, the weighting of the BOLD ETP is 18.5% Bitcoin and 81.5% gold. The ratio is rebalanced monthly based off the comparative volatility between the two. (source) What that means is -whichever of the two is less volatile will hold the majority of the ratio…so no surprise there. Charlie Erith, CEO at ByteTree, stated, “Gold has historically delivered portfolio protection in inflationary environments, while Bitcoin is the digital equivalent of gold with growing adoption by investors as a distinct asset class and a core store of wealth. In a time of rising structural inflation and heightened geopolitical risk, we believe this can act as an important risk and return diversifier in a balanced portfolio.” Just like with Fidelity offering Bitcoin in 401k’s, considering the rate of mass adoption, more and more of crypto based investment options will continue to roll out on a global scale.

It’s happening folks. The current prices might not reflect the progress, but the dominoes are falling in our favor. Before we know it, crypto is going to be the global standard. How do I know that? This week alone, I’ve seen more headlines about countries greenlighting crypto than I have in a while. Monday, it was the Central Africa Republic, and yes, they ARE adopting bitcoin as a legal tender. (Original source…Coin tell a lie messed it up again) Today, Brazil is the country making the headlines. Back in 2015, Brazil’s crypto bill unfortunately got shut down because they didn’t have the support they needed. Thus year, the bill was reintroduced by Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco…and guess what? This time, the Senate said yes! Let’s go Rodrigo! Now, the bill goes to a vote in the Chamber of Deputies; similar to our House of Representatives, before President Jair Bolsonaro signs it into law. The vote is expected to be favorable, and Brazil’s crypto light will officially turn green by the end of 2022! They still have to figure out who will be the regulatory body and details like that, but this is big for crypto! Brazil is the largest country in all of South America and the vote is 99% likely to pass considering Rio de Janeiro has already announced plans to accept crypto payments for taxes. Bullish news for Brazil…but is there any bullish news in the charts? Let’s pass it over to our guy Frankie Candles for a market watch!

The theme of today’s video is in line with the message I’ve been repeating since the beginning of 2022…It’s crucial to develop a long-term mindset, because next time this market goes up into the right, it’s going to be monumental. I hear the rumblings and I’ve seen in the comments…and some people seem to think I’ve gone full on Bear. That notion couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s no secret we’re in a bear market right now, but my optimism for the future is more bullish than ever! Listen, crypto is built off of MAX PAIN. The charts are doing everything they can to weed out the non-believers so they’re not on the rocket when it launches to the moon. I make these videos every day because I want you to believe, and I want the BitSquad to be there when the rocket launches. It’s inevitable. How am I so sure? 2022 is the year of global adoption kicked it into overdrive. Countries are greenlighting crypto left and right, the biggest companies and celebrities in pop culture are aligning themselves with crypto, and, most importantly, the institutions are now in the game in a big way. If you don’t believe me, believe this headline from It reads, “80% of institutional investors expect crypto to overtake traditional investments in 10 years.” BitStamp recently did a survey of over 28 thousand investors from 23 different countries, 5,500 of which were institutional investors…and the results are paramount. Their findings show that 88% of institutional investors and 75% of retail investors believe that crypto will see mainstream adoption within a decade. In response to this, CEO of BitStamp, Julian Sawyer stated, “The adoption of crypto and other digital assets is advancing at an UNPRECEDENTED RATE.” Just this week alone, The Central Africa Republic and Brazil are putting this in motion. The Mexican Senate building even got its own crypto ATM as they prepare to regulate crypto. They’re saying crypto will see mainstream adoption within a decade…but it’s happening right now.

That’s all I got. Be blessed. BitBoy Out!

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